What is an Apostolic Network?

The body of Christ is now experiencing around the world what is called the new apostolic

reformation. This period began in the 1990’s with the emphasis on the restoration of the ministry gifts of apostles and prophets.

The first apostolic age describes the first 200 years of the church beginning in the book of Acts. We are now living in the New Apostolic Age.

There are now many apostolic networks around the world. These apostolic networks are groups of churches, ministries, and marketplace believers that relate to each other in committed relationships centered around a leading apostle or group of apostles. This is different from a denomination in that the networks are built on relationships with autonomous churches and ministers relating to one another.

The apostle’s ministry is the highest ranking office in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:28). This does not give apostles unlimited authority over any and all believers. Paul exercised his apostolic authority in the churches or places where he was responsible for planting and overseeing.

Apostles have authority to increase, authority to bind and to loose, and authority over demons and sickness. The word “proton” is the Greek word used in 1 Corinthians 12:28 translated “first”. In reference to the apostolic ministry it means – first in time, order, or rank.

All of the churches in the book of Acts were apostolic in that they were founded by and established by apostles and apostolic teams. The apostolic dimension will cause every believer to breakthrough into new realms of faith and power. Apostolic believers will do the works of Christ and greater works.