
私は今週の週末にサム・マシューズ師をお迎えすることに とても興奮を覚えています。使徒サム・マシューズ先生は東京、山形、豊田と大阪に赴く予定です。

私たちはみな、使命を持っているのです! 神を知り、また私たちの人生に対する神の計画をいかにして知るのかを探していきましょう。


38年もの間、寝たきりであった人も、イエスご自身からの訪れを経験し、彼はその問題から脱出することができました (ヨハネ5:1-15)。


1. 私たちは、より良い人生を持ちたい気持ちを持っていなければなりません(ヨハネ5:6)。

– イエスはこの人物に、よくなりたいのかを聞かれました。

– 私たちは、イエスが私たちに備えてくださっているすべてのものを欲しいと願わなければなりません。

2. 私たちは立ち上がり、歩き始めなければなりません(ヨハネ5:8)。

– 癒しは、私たちが立ち上がることを選ぶ時に始まります。私たちが罪を犯す時に私たちは立ち上がらなければなりません。

– 鍵は、常に動き始めることです! 私たちは“赤ちゃんのステップ”を踏み始めなければなりません。

3. 私たちは“的”を外すことをやめ、完全にイエスのために生きなければなりません(ヨハネ5:14)。

– イエスがこの癒された人物に戻って来られた時、イエスは罪を犯すことをやめるように言われました。罪は良いものではありません。

– オリンピックでは “的”は、弓技の赤い点でした。これは “標的の中心(金的)”と呼ばれています。神が私たちにくださる人生が、私たちの賞です。

– 私たちが神の様々な約束に焦点を当てるなら、私たちはそれに向かって歩むことができます。


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-3 Keys to Walk Out of Our Problems!

Dear victorious saints!

I am very excited that apostle Sam Matthews is coming to Japan this weekend.
Apostle Sam will be coming to Tokyo, Yamagata, Toyota and Osaka.

God will teach us through apostle Sam about how to know God and His voice.
God has a special plan for each one of us. We were created to do the will of God for our personal lives.
​We all have a destiny! Let us find out how to know God and His plans for our lives.

The Lord in this season wants us to start moving ahead to the plan that God has for us.
God wants us to start taking steps toward the place where God is calling us.

The Israelites, after wandering around the mountain for 38 years, the time came to fight for the promised land (Dt.2:14).
A person who was invalid for 38 years also had a visitation from Jesus Himself and he was able to get out of his problem (John 5:1-15).
38 years of sickness and wilderness is a long time!!!

Here are 3 keys to walk out of our problems;

1. We have to want to have a better life (John 5:6)

– Jesus asked if this person wanted to get well?
Sometimes we are so used to our sins, our problems, our lack that we do not have a desire to want a better life.

– We have to want everything Jesus is offering us.
Jesus is offering us His Kingdom, victory over sin, shame and regret!

2. We have to get up and start walking (John 5:8)

– Healing starts when we choose to get up. We have to get up when we sin.
We have to get up when we experience problems. Getting up means that we do not look back

– The key is always to start moving! We must start taking “baby steps”.
Take a step day by day. Do not worry about tomorrow or the future. Today is the day of our deliverance!

3. We must stop missing the “mark” and live completely for Jesus (John 5:14)

– When Jesus came back to this healed person, Jesus told him to stop sinning.Sin is not a good thing. The word for “sin” is “humartano”, which means “to miss the mark so that you do not get the prize”.

– In the olympics, the “mark” was the red dot for archery.Its called “bullseye”. The life that God gives us is our prize.

– If we focus on the promises of God, we can walk towards it.
The more we know the plan of God for us, we can walk into our land of promises.

Let us in this season forget the past problems and move ahead.
Lets forget our past sins and past failures, and lets look to Jesus.
​Its time to “Get Up and Start Walking”!

All for the Prize!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
